Hetrose 500Mg 10Ml Injection


Ferric Carboxy Maltose 500mg Injection

About Hetrose 500Mg 10Ml Injection

CKD patients often experience anaemia due to various factors including decreased production of erythropoietin by the kidneys and reduced red blood cell lifespan, blood loss from haemodialysis or gastrointestinal bleeding, and inadequate dietary intake of iron. In CKD patients, iron replacement therapy is often necessary to support erythropoiesis and improve haemoglobin levels, which can enhance patient well-being and quality of life.


*To be consumed as directed by physician.

Usage Instructions

HETROSE effectively replenishes iron stores works to transport oxygen via haemoglobin and supports red blood cell production, addressing the underlying cause of iron deficiency anaemia in conditions such as chronic kidney disease. Intensified results when administered with DARBELIFE.